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When you're a decorated designer, the search for inspiration has no boundaries. Sometimes it's even found in a stack of pancakes. Brian Tighe was laying the maple syrup on thick when he hopped up and hit the drawing board to sketch out the incredibly unique Drip Tighe everyday carry folder. Please, no drooling. By Columbia River.
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The Nishi fixed blade is an everyday carry built at the intersection of design and usability: the aesthetic treatment is pure beauty and the cord-wrapped handle is supreme durability. By Columbia River.
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Tailbone Designed by T.J. Schwarz in Boise, Idaho - It might look like a fixed blade but there's more at play. At first glance the Tailbone fixed blade outdoor knife passes as an ordinary neck knife with a paracord-wrapped handle. By Columbia River.
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The mark of a masterful designer is a knife whose utility is as high end as the fit and finish. With a clean profile and Field Strip, the Prequel everyday carry folder asserts itself to the top shelf. By Columbia River.
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Precise aesthetic detail meets no-corners-cut usability in the perfectly balanced Heron everyday carry folding knife. By Columbia River.
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Lucas Burnley is back at it with the updated, refreshed Sketch. The k-tip style blade in a compact package is a product of dedication and fine-tuned skill. By Columbia River.
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It may be compact, but the fixed blade Owlet everyday carry neck knife is stacked with useful details. Trim threads, slice veggies, cut open boxes, and at the end of the day, crack open beers with the same 1.3 ounce powerhouse. By Columbia River.
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With deep roots in 8th century weaponry, the Cimbri two-handed camp axe mimics lines, balance, and heft of its medieval counterpart. But unlike the Frankish axe, its primary adversary is a stout log. By Columbia River.
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Gulf - RMJ Tactical has built itself a reputation on some of the most striking tomahawks and fixed blades the industry has ever seen. By Columbia River.
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